Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure
Acoustic Fence / Noice Barrier Brochure

HomeProductsEnvironmental Noise BarriersAcoustic Fence/ Noise Barriers

Product Detail

In recent years there have been dramatic increases in environmental noise pollution. However, whether it’s motorway, railway, industrial or a domestic development, we have an Acoustic Fence & Environmental Noise Barrier system, tested and certified by the European and British Standards, that will suit your needs.

All our Acoustic Fence Noise Barriers are CE Marked to comply with Harmonised Standard EN 14388:2005.
Our Reflective Barrier is laboratory tested to IS EN 1793-2 Performance Category Rating B3 and our Absorptive Barrier is laboratory tested to IS EN 1793-1 Performance Category Rating A4. In addition, all panels are mechanically tested to the resistance of loads as per IS EN 1794.

Mulligan Fencing are proud to be ISO 9001:2008 accredited for the manufacture of acoustic fences/ environmental noise barriers. Our purpose built manufacturing facility ensures the highest quality noise barrier panels are produced. The consistency and quality of the panels we manufacture ensure efficient on site installation.

Mulligan Fencing have a long history of installing Acoustic Fence Noise Barriers in both the UK and Ireland as you can see from our ‘Related Projects’ portfolio below. Contact us for design advice or a quotation.

Related Projects

Click on the below links to view project details and images.